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Get Involved!
Salvation is more than a word or a one time act. We're resolved to walking fully in the healing, deliverance, help, prosperity, security, safety, welfare, and preservation that Jesus provided for us at Calvary!
Engage with the various ministries here at D.P.I.C. Become a volunteer or join a ministry!

David’s Harp Worship Ministry
We seek to gather the body of Christ and engage in authentic, prophetic worship that is Christ-centered and Spirit-led and marked by the weighty Presence of God and miracles, signs, and wonders.

SOZO Youth Ministry
We take seriously the mandate to train up and prepare children to walk in their God-given destiny. We're intentional in our commitment to loving, nurturing and developing our children.

Healing and Deliverance Ministry
The mission of the Healing and Deliverance Ministry at Dwelling Place International
Church is to take someone from a place where God never intended for them to be and
bring them into their full and complete purpose. The Spirit led process is to set the
captives free through the laying on of hands and casting out evil spirits that hold them
bound. It is our mission to Gather, Engage, Equip and Send Disciples of God that are
transformed, made whole, that they may also transform others wherever they go.
Church is to take someone from a place where God never intended for them to be and
bring them into their full and complete purpose. The Spirit led process is to set the
captives free through the laying on of hands and casting out evil spirits that hold them
bound. It is our mission to Gather, Engage, Equip and Send Disciples of God that are
transformed, made whole, that they may also transform others wherever they go.

Women's Empowerment Network
Comprehensive Women's ministry that includes opportunities for Fellowship, Empowerment and Compassion. We encourage women to pursue the calling of God and resolve to build women who are strong in Spirit, Soul and Body.

Joseph's Food Pantry
Joseph's Pantry provides food to all in need in our local community. We are currently partnering with other local food banks. Food boxes are distributed at least once a month.

Mandate Leadership School
Mandate School of Ministry is a unique path to learning the fundamentals of the Bible, modern prayer disciplines, strategies for evangelism & missions, techniques for deliverance & personal freedom and basics of Christian leadership.

To spread the gospel to our communities and city, winning souls for Christ. To manifest the supernatural power of God's love and grace to those that are lost and hurting. To Gather those who are looking for Christ and have a heart for evangelism, working with them to win more souls to the kingdom. Telling of the good news of what Jesus has done for us individually, providing evidence of His work in our lives to bring hope to their hearts.

Media and marketing department responsible for effectively leveraging digital communication, social media, and mobile technology with the goal of attracting new people to the church and stimulating engagement on all digital platforms.

Marriage Fellowship
The Goal of Grace of Life is to strengthen existing marriages and to prepare singles for successful marriage. The key to a happy marriage is "INVESTMENT". You have to invest in your marriage relationship if you expect it to be a good one. Happy marriages don't just happen, they take deliberate investment of time, instruction, and the word of God!

Men's Fellowship
Actively pursues the fellowship of men in order to connect them to God, His Word, and other men for the purpose of winning, growing, and training men in Christ.
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